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2023-12-03互联网 实用范文 手机版



in 20xx in july, i received the admissions of route of the notice, the excitement of the mood has continued until september of the school. i remember my parents sent me to the campus, beihang rich academic atmosphere, friendly seniors and counselors are deeply infected with me, since then, i was determined to be in such a good environment, study hard and return to their parents, return to society.

my specialty is computer science and technology, choose this profession, many people persuaded me to give up, because the professional for girls, is not suitable. but i did not give up, still stick to their choice, i understand that this option means more effort, i am determined to use practical action to prove it.

freshman, a variety of basic courses will take up very enough time, at the beginning i have not corrected over high school learning habits, just obediently listen to classes every day, take notes seriously, but the longer the more time to find that such a learning style is wrong of. university of knowledge is much more profound than high school, class time alone is completely unable to learn and understand the knowledge. i found this problem immediately after my own learning methods to do a summary, lessons learned, developed a new learning program to adapt to the university's learning life. since then, my spare time and a lot of rich, i not only from the textbook to learn knowledge, but also pay attention to and students, teachers of the encounter, do not understand the problem to find information or to find students to discuss, the vast library of the sea is also an absolute precious learning resources, in such an excellent environment, i am more impulsive learning, learning outcomes are more gh the academic performance is not top, also belong to the upper reaches.

thinking i have not been ignored on the one hand, in high school, they participated in the study of the party and submitted to the party to join the party application, and finally in the third year when the approval has become a glorious member of the communist party of china.

after entering the university, i participated in the party school and school party school party learning, as well as the organization of the party history learning, these courses make me more deeply understand the birth of the communist party of china, growth, growth process, in learning i will also read this information, one after another glorious historical information in the data, one after another shocking historical events, let me understand how much the communist party of china today is not easy, when we live todayhow many revolutionary martyrs in exchange for blood, their bodies fell in the war, but their spirit has always inspired me - a young communist, for the people, for the cause of communism constantly struggle.

as a member of the communist party, i always ask myself to strict standards, in the study, life requires active, motivated, to the surrounding students do a good job as an exemplary role in learning, life to help students do for the students to do what they can thing. at the same time, i continue to strengthen the party's learning, timely learning of the spirit of the cpc central committee and instructions, keep a clear mind and a new ideological consciousness. as a college student, i have always attached importance to the improvement of ideological consciousness, the university, i have participated in school, college lectures, learned a lot. i know that as a part of society, we should be willing to devote ourselves to the cause and contribute to our society, especially in the special needs of the country.

in high school, i have many fantasies of university life, and when the real into the university gate, i found that the previous conjecture on the university are completely inconsistent with the facts. as a student of beihang university, the life of the university is still learning the main line, but learning is not the only thing in my life.

in addition to learning, i participated in a variety of social practice, in practice, i deeply appreciate the hard work of their parents, but also more cherish what they have. i also visited beijing with the students of the historical sites, feel the changes of the times, the glory of loneliness after fading. university life gave me the most precious thing is friendship and experience. friendship let me have a lot of new friends, with friends, the road of life is no longer alone, with friends, will have more happy to share with the pain bear. the experience is to broaden my vision and mind, i see no longer confined to a small piece in front of, and learn to stand on a high point of view on the problem, then everything will become different. in life, the most important thing is sincerity and integrity, and only sincerely treat others will be the same harvest the sincerity of others, only the integrity of things to live a worthy heart.

university is a turning point in life, after four years of college life, i become more mature and more wise, college life has cultivated my ability to cooperate with each other, exercise my will, but also cultivate my sentiments. university four years is a full four years, i think this in my future work life, must be a valuable asset, i will be the united states and the united states to treasure.

i believe that the days ahead will be very good, but this time will never be able to once again have a university. i hope that all this in mind, cherish everything now has, and then open arms, to embrace the bright future, to pursue has been looking forward to tomorrow.

graduation soon, looking back four years of study and life, i also deeply appreciate the college teachers, leadership for our finished work to pay the hard work, in which i would like to express their deep gratitude and high respect.


集体观念较强,学习态度端正 平时热爱体育活动,经常现身于操场上。篮球、足球、乒乓球,谈不上样样精通,但也是轻车熟路,游刃有余。热爱劳动,积极参加学校组织的劳动,认真完成交给的任务。在以后的学习中,我一定会戒骄戒躁,百尺竿头,更进一步。




我的兴趣广泛,爱好体育、绘画等,积极参加各类体育竞赛,达到国家规定的体育锻炼标准。 初中三年生活有使我清醒地认识到自己的不足之处,如有时学习时间抓不紧,各科学习时间安排不尽合理。因此,我将加倍努力,不断改正缺点,挖掘潜力,以开拓进取、热情务实的精神面貌去迎接未来的挑战。



















